29 April – Know your today's horoscope

29 April  – Know your today's horoscope
New Update

Aries :Only you know what is best for you- so be strong and bold and take quick decisions and be prepared to live with the results. Pending issues become murkier and expenses cloud your mind. Some of you are likely to purchase jewelry or a home appliance. You will be in a loving mood- so be sure to make special plans for you and your beloved. Good day to pursue your goals. Recharge your body to work relentlessly to achieve them at the earliest. You can take the help of your friends in this matter. It will boost your morale and help in achieving your targets. To utilize your time, you can go to the park, but there are chances of you getting into an argument with someone unknown. This can even spoil your mood. With just little efforts, the day might become the best day of your married life.

Taurus : Too much worry and stress could ruin your health. You should avoid confusion and frustration to maintain mental clarity. Today, you can seek advice from the seniors of your family about finance management and savings and use them in your daily life. Domestic life will be peaceful and adorable Today, you will know that your love partner is the one who will love you till eternity. Daydreaming will bring your downfall- Do not count on others to do your work. Realizing the fragility of time, you will like to spend your time in solitude away from everyone. It would also be beneficial for you to do so. Life is going to be really wonderful today because your spouse has planned something special.

Gemini :Divert your thought and energy to what you wish to see in physical reality. There is no point in imaging only. The problem so far with you is that you don't try but only wish. Today, you can learn the skill of accumulating and saving money and put it to the right use. A repair work at home or social get-togethers likely to keep you busy. Your love story can take a new turn today, in which your partner can discuss the prospect of marriage with you. In this case, you must consider every aspect before taking any decision. Daydreaming will bring your downfall- Do not count on others to do your work. Today you will put your mind to test- Some of you would get involved in playing Chess- Crosswords and others will write a story- poetry or work out some future plans. Today, you will have a very close communication about each other's beautiful feelings for each other.

Cancer : Fitness and weight loss programs will help you get into better shape. Today, one of your parents can lecture you on the importance of saving money. You need to listen to them very carefully, otherwise you may face problems in the upcoming time. Friends and family members provide you with assistance and love. Your boyfriend or girlfriend may remain angry today because of their familial conditions. Try to calm them down by talking. Controversies or office politics; you will rule on everything today. While spending free time with your spouse tonight, you will realize how important it is to give them more time. Work pressure had been hampering your married life since long. But today, all the grievances will be vanished.

Leo :Cultivate a harmonious nature to kill your hatred because it is more powerful than love and deadly affects your body. Remember evil triumphs sooner than good. Due to the placement of the Moon, your money can be spent on unnecessary things. If you wish to accumulate wealth, then talk to your spouse or parents about it. You would have some difficulty with family members but don't let this ruin the peace of your mind. You will tease your romantic partner by prolonging your call. Your work may get suddenly checked thoroughly at the workplace. In such a case, you may have to pay for your mistake. Businessmen of this sign can consider giving new direction to their business today. You can spend your time with a friend of yours today, but you must avoid consuming alcohol during this time, as it is just a waste of time. Today, you will get ample of time to make love with your better half, but health might suffer.

Virgo : Don't let little thing bother your mind. Avoid any long-term investments and try to go out and spend some pleasant moments with your good friend. Spouse remains cooperative despite your erratic behaviour. Give tiny bits of kindness and love to make it a special day. Don't let pride come in the way of making decision- listen to what subordinates have to say. Today, you can plan on going home early as soon as you reach the office. Upon reaching home, you can plan to watch a movie or go to a park with family members. Your married life is all about fun, pleasure, and bliss today.

Libra : If possible try to avoid long journey as you are too weak to travel and this could put further weaken you. You will possess a desire to earn quick money. Everyone wants to be your friend today- and you would be too happy to oblige. Don't indulge in eve-teasing today. You will be in a strong position to put together a team and work toward a collective goal. A sparkling laughter filled day when most things proceed-as you desire. Your spouse might make an issue of something he/she heard in the neighborhood.

Scorpio :You can start your day with Yoga and Meditation. Doing this will be beneficial for you and you will maintain your energy levels throughout the day. Monetary gains will be from various sources. Your partner would be supportive and helpful. Love is just like spring; flowers, air, sunshine, butterflies. You will feel the romantic tickle today. You will benefit from the changes occurring at work. Today, you can go to a park or shopping mall with young members of the family. Your spouse will surprise you with something really beautiful today.

Sagittarius :Friends supportive and will keep you happy. Today, you can learn the skill of accumulating and saving money and put it to the right use. Joyful time with family and friends You are likely to be misunderstood in lover affair. Your firm commitment will materialize as you achieve your target. You will see your dreams coming true. Don't allow this to go in your head and keep on working hard honestly. It is good for you to keep up with time, but at the same time, it is important to understand the importance of family and spend as much time as you can with them. Wrong communication might create a trouble today, but you will be able to manage it by sitting and talking.

Capricorn :Your health and energy conservation habit will benefit you immensely as you plan to go on a long journey. Despite a busy schedule you will be easily able to cope up with the tiredness. Today, you will be able to earn money without any help or assistance. Your ability to impress others will bring rewards. Romantic moves will not pay. Things seem to be in your favor at work. Today, to make good use of the free time you have on your hand, you can plan to meet your old friends. Your spouse might doubt your loyalty due to your hectic schedule, but the end of the day he/she will understand and give you a hug.

Aquarius : Blessings of a saintly person will give peace of mind. Finances will definitely get a boost- but at the same time expenditures too will be on the rise. Be independent and take your own decisions when it comes to making fresh investments. Secret affairs can ruin your reputation. You will get lot of satisfaction today when you complete a project- which you started long ago. Today, you will plan to spend time with your spouse and take them out somewhere, but won't be able to do so due to his/her ill-health. Your spouse might affect your reputation a little bit adversely today.

Pisces : Your will power may be rewarded today as you confront a very tricky situation. You should not lose head while making a very emotional decision. Today, you can spend a lot of money on a party with friends, but despite this, your financial side will remain strong today. Joyful time with family and friends Music of love is heard by those who are into it all the time. Today you will hear that music, which will forget you all the songs of this world. Today is a day for high performance and high profile. You can plan on enjoying your free time with your closest friends today. You are going to feel the richest in the world, as your better half is going to treat you like the one.

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